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Damar Elementary Title Services


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Thelma Berland

What goes around.....I won't tell you how many years ago I too was a student here in Damar Elementary but I remember it well! I graduated from Palco High School and from there went on to be a "farmer" and a "mom" of five. Once all my kids (at the time) were in school I went back to get my degree. I have a masters degree in Speech-Language Pathology. I taught in Osborne Elementary, then Fort Hays University and when a job at Hill City Elementary was open, I jumped at the chance to travel less. I was in HC for 18 years then moved to Wakeeney Elementary and also served Selden Elementary. I decided to retire in 2021 and per my prayers the Title Position here at USD 269 was available. Short retirement! I am working in the Title Position here in USD 269, a position to aid students at risk in reading and math. Throughout my career as an SLP my true interest and research has been in the area of reading and phonemic awareness, even before PA was the "go to" thought for reading intervention. I have a passion for those children that do not learn in the "typical" way and often continue to move through the system without the reading skills necessary to reach their potential. Often with going back, dissecting their strengths and weaknesses, it is possible to build on their skills to input what they may have missed and to make all children functional readers at the very minimum! Math skills are also similar in nature. Math skills are buildable on each other. I see it as my job to help fill gaps as well as to use every method at my disposal to get that child's mind to see patterns and tricks and the long term goal of math knowledge! I would be amiss if I did not end this with saying how very impressed I've been with the teachers and staff in this building and the education this small group of children are receiving. I know there is always many concerns when school districts become small and whether or not students are able to continue to receive a quality education in that system. These children are very fortunate, in my opinion, to be here. Based on my experience in other districts, the academic progress, one-to-one help when needed, the opportunity for music and art and the overall concern from the staff for these children is second to none! Share via email




Phone: Email: Thelma Berland Damar Elementary School